Saturday 24 May 2014

OUGD 505 - Studio brief 2 - Branding and way finding research

When reseaching for this brief I looked quite extensively at the branding done for london 2012 and this years Sochi olympics

Each as you would expect had a very strong identity, for the london olympics for better or for worse it will be remembered due to the branding. people weren't happy with the logo originally but as something that works consistently across a range I feel that as a whole the london olympic branding works really well. and I dont mind it too much.
Sochi went for a very colourful pattern based approach that took influence from they're culture. I feel looking back on my projects this is something that I should have looked into further. I should have made some branding that really related back to the south Korean culture.
Across my range of branding I made it consistant and understandable. one of the main physical pieces of branding I produced were the tickets for the games.

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