Tuesday 11 March 2014

OUGD 505 - Design Practice 2, Further research 2

Ive been looking into swiss design more recently, here are some examples I have been taking inspiration on to create my posters. To create the posters from the originals I created a list for each games so I could choose which aspects to pick out to represent the images. The main things Ive been focusing on are dates, flag colours and any colours that stand out to me in the original posters.
From doing more research into swiss design I have found another artist who creates swiss designed posters from films. I like how he choses the most famous aspect of the films but I feel this doesnt work as well with winter games posters as people arent as familiar with them.

I like the swiss air posters, its interesting how they use minimal colours and shapes to get a message across clearly and effectively, with an image that has a high impact.

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