Thursday 24 April 2014

OUGD 503 - Collaborative - YCN Fedrigoni - Final design and submission

For the collaborative Fedrigoni brief we submitted out design on the day of the deadline with plenty of time to spare. We went through the design boards on the projector in studio three to see if everything was legible and worked when blown up on a large screen. For the design boards we gave each other some boards to work on and a bit of text to accompany the images we took.
As we didn't have enough time to get into the photography studio to take pictures of our final calendar design we created a miniature set up in the studio. I felt the pictures jordan took came out really well after we played around with the levels in photoshop. We already had the design boards with text on so it was just a matter of dropping the images into the boxes we had created on the pages. 

These were the final net designs that would be sent to the laser cutters, we managed to fit them onto a single sheet of A4 which played into the enviromently friendly aspect of the brief.

The final design boards that we submitted are below. 

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