Wednesday 23 April 2014

OUGD 503 - Individual practice - Poster design

A friend of mine asked me to make some quick poster designs for him for an event he was going to run as part of a project for his university course. He gave me minimal information, just regarding the name and the location. He didn't include the date because it hadn't been finalised yet. He gave me a logo that he wanted it to be which was just a power on/off symbol so I had this to work with to base the posters around. I did a few variations and gave them back to him, which he seemed happy with. aside from the fact the project was basically finished I carried making variations of the posters in my spare time because I felt there were lots of outcomes to explore especially with the minimal information I was given so it was something that there was a lot of scope for. 

One of my main inspirations for this project was where the event was being held, which was the Eiger studios in leeds. I also had the logo to work from so I could take 2 angles for these posters. 

For such a small project I ended up doing a fair amount of work through the variations of each poster I did. It seems unnecessary but I carried on designing the posters because I enjoyed playing around with such an open brief.

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