Wednesday 3 July 2013

OUGD404 - What is a book? - 10 Things...

These are my finished outcomes for the 10 Things project, I enjoyed putting the publication together because I felt like I had a lot of freedom with the layout and design now I have got a better understanding of InDesign. 
Ive taken a very simple and minimalist style on some of the pages, and on others I've tried to do something that more in keeping with my usual style of design. 

This was my initial Design for my book, I was happy with the majority of the pages but the front cover really wasn't doing anything for me. I felt it didn't really reflect what the book was about I went back to Illustrator and started to design a mew cover.
I wanted a front cover that would tie in with the whole book so I though about using some kind of graphic to represent 10 pages, I tried out various different thing before I felt I had something that would really work.

I used the colour wheel sort of looking thing as a key that would run throughout the book, I think it works well with the pages and the colours generally complement each page. 

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