Monday 18 May 2015

OUGD 602 - Pirate childrens book initial development

This brief is pretty straight forward yet time consuming. some of the illustrations because of the process have taken nearly an hour each to do, Im happy with the way they have turned out and I think they look good as a sequence. I feel I have established a good style and colour scheme.

I went with quite a large square format for the book, I have also looked at existing children's books to see what a successful format and layout looks like. I have a couple chapters left to illustrate then I can start to play around with the layout of the type.

One thing different with this book is the fact that it contains a lot more words usually than other illustrated childrens books I have looked at, I have thought about enlarging the type and spreading it over more pages but I feel this will detract from the story. The main thing Ive needed to consider with this book is who its going to be read by. Because of the high content of text its has left me with only one decision of aiming it at parents to read to their children. the illustrations are there just to paint a picture to the children of how the story develops.

I am happy with the progress of this book so far and I think when I start to play around with the text it will really bring the whole project together.

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